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Take Years Off Your Appearance with Facial Fat Grafting

Are you starting to notice your cheeks are sagging or taking on a sunken-in appearance? Facial fillers can increase volume around the cheeks to create a more youthful appearance, but a facial fat graft can help to achieve more permanent and natural-looking results. Dr. Bachelor may recommend facial fat grafting to enhance the lips and cheeks. Using your own body fat to restore areas of the face affected by the aging process can create very natural-looking results. You will see a noticeable difference after the swelling goes down and can combine the procedure with other facial rejuvenation treatments later for even better results.

Is Facial Fat Grafting Right for Me?

Many women choose facial fat grafting in Pleasanton over dermal fillers and other skin rejuvenation procedures because they want permanent results and have some extra body fat that they surely won’t mind using as a donor site. Some of the reasons to undergo a facial fat graft include:

Many people don’t realize that we can inject fat into the lips as well as the cheeks. There is no risk of rejection because we are working with your own tissues and the fat is quickly adopted by the receiving site.

What to Expect with Facial Fat Grafting

Dr. Bachelor will determine what the donor site will be to ensure optimal results. Most transfers are performed from the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks — the areas where most women store body fat — and the fat is removed with a very special liposuction technique, which preserves as much of the fat cells as possible. The fat is injected using very fine needles and you will experience some swelling and bruising in the treatment area for a few weeks. After the swelling goes down, the area will look much larger than the actual result because some of the fat cells will die off. You can expect to see full results a few weeks after treatment.

Take years off your appearance with the right facial rejuvenation procedure. Schedule your fat grafting consultation with Dr. Bachelor today!