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Slim Down for Summer with these Fitness Tips and Liposuction in Pleasanton, CA

If a few bulges and stubborn fatty deposits are preventing you from feeling confident in that bathing suit this season, consider the benefits of liposuction in Pleasanton, CA before summer begins! You can achieve a slim and svelte figure with a simple liposuction procedure combined with a healthy lifestyle. Undergoing a procedure now will give you plenty of time to recover by summer. You could be showing off that slim and beautiful figure at the beach, on that summer getaway, or while lounging by the pool this season!

Here are some ways that liposuction in Pleasanton, CA, combined with some easy fitness habits, can help you slim down for summer:

#1: Get a Procedure Sooner than Later

Liposuction is less invasive than body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck so you will not have to spend a lot of time in recovery. Still, you will enjoy better results if you undergo a procedure at least six to eight weeks before you want to see results. You will have some swelling and bruising for a few weeks after surgery but can expect to see some results within months of the procedure. Talk to us about scheduling your appointment for liposuction in Pleasanton and Danville so you can count down the days to bathing suit season!

#2: Maintain Your Fitness Routine

Patients who are already at a healthy weight are the best candidates for liposuction and it’s important to remember that the procedure is not a weight loss solution. For best results, maintain a consistent workout routine before surgery and resume your workouts when Dr. Bachelor confirms the appropriate time to resume fitness activities. This will help you stay at a healthy weight and also help you maintain a slim figure for life!

#3: Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy diet of whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables is essential for your health and also when recovering from body contouring procedures. Make sure you are eating plenty of nutritious foods before and after liposuction in Pleasanton, CA. Your body will need those nutrients to heal, recover, and prevent fat storage in the future.

Ready to slim down for summer? Set up your liposuction consultation with Dr. Bachelor today!