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Reverse the Signs of Aging with Facelift Surgery

Many signs of aging show up on the face first and could be making you look years older than your real age. If you’re ready to invest in yourself this year, talk to Dr. Bachelor about the benefits of facelift surgery to erase some of those telltale signs of aging. Getting a facelift can completely transform your appearance and may be just what you need to rejuvenate your look. Whether you are concerned about sagging skin, deep lines and wrinkles, or facial hollows, we can correct many signs of aging with a facelift.

Restore Youthful Facial Contours with Facelift Surgery

One of the biggest benefits of facelift surgery is that it can restore youthful facial contours by tightening up loose skin and repositioning the facial tissues. We just can’t get these types of long-lasting results with facial fillers and skin tightening treatments, so surgery can be the most effective option for older patients and those with thinning skin. Facelift surgery is a procedure that can be combined with a brow lift and other facial procedures to also erase deeper lines and wrinkles along the forehead and around the cheeks.

Dr. Bachelor will use special techniques to lift up and reposition any sagging tissues for a more contoured look.

Here are some other key benefits of facelift surgery:

Facelift Surgery in Pleasanton Recovery

The recovery process for facelift surgery in Pleasanton can take up to 10 days, but you can expect to have your stitches removed in about a week. In most cases, the bruising will resolve in about two weeks, though you will have residual swelling for up to eight weeks after surgery. We can discuss post-op instructions in more detail during your consultation.

Schedule your Pleasanton facelift surgery consultation with Dr. Bachelor today.