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Gynecomastia: A Growing Plastic Surgery Trend

More and more, men are seeking out surgical treatment to correct and reduce enlarged breasts. According to statistics put out by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2014 saw a total of 26,175 completed operations, a 14% increase since 2013 and a 29% increase since 2000. A common problem, up to 70% of men aged 50 to 69 struggle with some degree of gynecomastia. In his practice, Dr. Bachelor has experienced firsthand the increase of men seeking out a solution to gynecomastia. Highly skilled, Dr. Bachelor has helped many men permanently reduce their chest size.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlarged or over-developed breasts. Gynecomastia typically consists of excess breast tissue and/or glandular tissue. One (unilateral) or both (bilateral) breasts can be affected. Most commonly, gynecomastia is believed to be caused by a hormonal imbalance, but can also result from genetics, obesity, or the use of certain drugs. Often, there is no clear cause and thus, cannot be easily remedied.

Although not harmful to a man’s physical health—gynecomastia proves to be detrimental to a man’s confidence and self-esteem as they tend to be embarrassed by their larger-than-average chest size. To hide their struggle, men may avoid certain activities and acts of intimacy.

What Can Be Done?

Dr. Bachelor is able to safely perform a male breast reduction (technically known as reduction mammoplasty). The surgery removes excess fat, glandular tissue and loose skin from the breast area. The surgery:

Similarly, just as the breast stretches, so does the areola and nipple area. Because of this, many men opt to have Dr. Bachelor resize and position their areolas and nipples as well.

Dr. Bachelor uses two techniques, liposuction and excision, either individually or together:

Liposuction: Liposuction is the best plan of attack when the enlarged breast is primarily a result of excess fatty tissues. During liposuction, a small incision is made near each breast, in which a small, straw-like cannula is placed through which fat cells are broken up and suctioned out.

Excision: Excision is the best method to remove excess glandular tissue and skin. Through a carefully placed incision, Dr. Bachelor is able to surgically remove unwanted tissues.

By carefully removing fat and tissue stored in the breast area, Dr. Bachelor is able to create the appearance of a leaner, masculine, and stronger-looking chest.

Do you struggle with fleshier breasts? To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Bachelor. Dr. Bachelor can tell you more about the condition and possible treatment options.