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Four Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I’ve successfully performed thousands of Bay Area breast augmentation procedures. One of the most critical steps is your breast augmentation consultation leading up to your surgery. I’ve been practicing as a California plastic surgeon for decades, and make it a point to sit down with each and every one of my breast augmentation patients to discuss their aesthetic goals, and to help them fully understand what to expect from their breast augmentation.

Here are four tips for women who are considering a breast augmentation in Danville:

1. Go to a board-certified, licensed surgeon — I’m certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). One of the objectives of the ABPS is to “protect the public by assessing and certifying doctors who meet specific educational, training and professional requirements.” If your plastic surgeon is not certified, you put yourself in serious medical danger of working with someone who may not have the best qualifications to perform a breast augmentation.

2. Be honest about what you want and what you expect — My goal is to do my very best for every patient that comes to Eastbay Aesthetic Surgery and, above all else, keep you safe and healthy. I have created a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere at Eastbay Aesthetic Surgery so that you can feel comfortable about discussing your breast augmentation goals. Be honest about what you want so that I can provide expert advice about your options and how to yield the best results for you.

3. Research your options about silicone- or saline-filled implants — Over the years, I’ve seen a number of advances in breast implant design (and I’m one of a few breast augmentation surgeons helping conduct clinical trials on cohesive gel implants). Start your breast augmentation research on my website to learn the difference between silicone and saline implants.

4. Voice any concerns or questions about the procedure and what to expect — I want you to have as much knowledge about breast augmentation in Danville and feel at ease about the entire process. Feel free to ask any questions about the breast augmentation procedure and aftercare; that’s why we’re here!

When you’re ready to take the next step, contact us today to schedule a private, one-on-one breast augmentation consultation at one of our Bay Area offices in Pleasanton or Danville.