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Achieve Your Sexiest Silhouette with a Tummy Tuck in Pleasanton

For many women, their midsection is what they consider to be one of their biggest problem areas. What’s worse is that oftentimes, exercising and eating right aren’t enough to achieve a flat and toned stomach. If you have loose skin causing a bulge around your abdomen, talk to Dr. Bachelor about the benefits of a tummy tuck procedure. This body contouring procedure can slim down your midsection and help you achieve the sexy silhouette you want.

Reasons to Get a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck in Pleasanton is different from liposuction because rather than treating fat, it involves removing excess skin and repairing the abdominal wall. If you have lost a lot of weight over your lifetime or have had kids, you may be left with a tummy pooch or bulge that doesn’t respond to any diet or exercise program. Once the skin has lost its elasticity, it doesn’t always bounce back and surgery may be your only option. This body contouring procedure removes excess skin and reshapes the midsection to create a more youthful contour.

Some of the reasons many women undergo a tummy tuck procedure include to:

Do I Really Need a Tummy Tuck?

If you are tired of trying to lose the stubborn flab around your midsection, or your natural body shape gives you a protruding stomach, you may need surgery to achieve the look you want. A tummy tuck can be very effective for slimming down the midsection and creating a sculpted look. Even if you work out regularly and eat a healthy diet, the problem areas around your midsection may not change significantly. Instead of putting yourself through yet another rigorous workout program or making attempts to slim down with a new diet without seeing any results, consider a tummy tuck in Pleasanton to whittle down that waistline and achieve a beautiful, contoured figure. You will maintain results from this procedure as long as you do not gain weight or have more children. Continuing healthy habits such as eating right and staying active will help to maintain your tummy tuck results for years to come.

Treat yourself to a body contouring procedure this season. Schedule your tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Bachelor today!