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5 Ways a Facelift Can Rejuvenate Your Look in the New Year

If you’ve been thinking about treating yourself to a makeover for a while now—maybe you’ve even undergone non-surgical treatments like Botox—you may want to consider the benefits of facelift surgery. Now is a great time to book a cosmetic procedure that might require you to take some time off work. If you have extra vacation time or days off this holiday season, you can use that time to recover from facial plastic surgery procedures like the facelift. Facelift surgery can take up to a decade off your appearance and erase some of those lines and wrinkles permanently.

Here are five ways a facelift can rejuvenate your look in the New Year:

#1: Tightens up loose skin.

Loose or crepey skin around the mouth, eyes, and nose may be some of your biggest concerns, but can be easily corrected with facelift surgery. Dr. Bachelor can tighten up loose skin and lift the tissues to restore your youthful contours.

#2: Eliminates loose jowls.

One of the most common side effects of aging is the development of jowls. If you are bothered by that turkey neck or loose skin and fat around the jawline, Dr. Bachelor can eliminate the excess tissue to create a more sculpted look. This can create the appearance of a youthful, elongated neck and also give you a more defined jawline.

#3: Lifts up the upper face area.

If you are bothered by sagging skin around the eyes and notice that you maintain a sad, tired, or angry expression as the tissues continue to droop, you may benefit from facelift surgery. The San Fransisco Facelift can lift up and tighten tissues around the upper face so that you maintain a fresh-faced appearance.

#4: Improves wrinkles.

Facelift surgery involves tightening up or removing excess skin and tissue to dramatically reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds in the mid to lower face. It can help to correct deeper lines and wrinkles that might be giving away your age. Dr. Bachelor can cut away excess skin and tighten up underlying facial muscles to smooth out the skin.

#5: Elevates facial compartments to create a fresh-faced look.

One of the biggest benefits of undergoing a facelift is that the procedure can lift up the tissues and muscles to create a more youthful expression.
Do you think you may be a good candidate for San Fransisco Facelift surgery? Schedule your facelift consultation with Dr. Bachelor today!