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3 Personal and Lifestyle Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you have low self-esteem due to your breast size or you have always wanted a more feminine figure, talk to Dr. Bachelor about the benefits of breast augmentation surgery. Getting breast implants can improve your life in several ways and help you achieve your ideal figure. Many women who have smaller breasts or have lost volume in their breasts over the years benefit from breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Bachelor can create very natural-looking results with a personalized breast augmentation procedure.

Here are just three personal and lifestyle benefits many women experience following a breast augmentation:

#1: Boosts self-confidence. Many women have low self-confidence or self-esteem issues because of their breast size or shape—whether they have changed due to age or pregnancy, or have always been smaller than desired. If this sounds like you, breast augmentation surgery may help you feel more confident about your body and appearance. Many women find that they feel more comfortable wearing certain clothes after undergoing breast enhancement surgery. We can customize a breast augmentation procedure to help you achieve your ideal look.

#2: Creates an hourglass figure. If you have always wanted an hourglass body shape or a more balanced figure, breast augmentation surgery can help you achieve your goals. Dr. Bachelor will make a recommendation on the size and shape of implants that are the right match for your body type and goals. We can add more volume to the upper body to balance out your hips and create a more feminine silhouette.

#3: Gives you more clothing options. If you’ve limited your wardrobe to clothes that hide your small chest or you wear baggy clothing because you are not confident about your appearance, getting breast implants could give you more clothing options. Many women are able to wear form-fitting clothing and v-necklines with confidence.

Ready for a personal makeover? Schedule your consultation for breast augmentation in Pleasanton with Dr. Bachelor today.