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Who Is a Good Candidate for Radiesse?

If you’re not happy with the way aging has changed your skin, you might be looking for a solution. You should consider getting Radiesse injections at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton, CA. Here’s how to tell if you might be a good candidate for this treatment option.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Radiesse?

This highly effective and extremely safe dermal filler is a great option for people who are looking for a way to reduce the appearance of aging concerns like wrinkling and volume loss on their faces. While the side effects of aging are completely natural, they may not necessarily be welcome.
This filler is made with calcium hydroxyapatite or CaHA gel microspheres. These CaHA microspheres stimulate your skin’s natural production of collagen, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and giving you a more youthful and supple appearance. So are you a good candidate? Here are a few factors that could indicate this product is right for you.

You Have Laugh Lines

Laugh lines are the wrinkles that show up around the corners of your mouth, so called because they form when you laugh or smile. Many people take these wrinkles as signs that they’ve had a good life. Others, however, don’t like the way they age their appearance.
This dermal filler is a highly effective way of putting volume back into this area and firming up the skin. This will reduce the appearance of laugh lines that have already formed, and can also be used as a preventative measure.

You Have Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are the wrinkles that run from the edges of your mouth down towards your chin. These are some of the least desirable wrinkles people can get as they age. They can make you look far older than you are, and you may even appear like you’re constantly scowling.
Because this dermal filler is designed specifically to target the lower areas of your face, this makes it a great option if you’re looking to reduce the appearance or prevent the formation of marionette lines. You’ll feel much more confident in your appearance when you get rid of these wrinkles.

You Have Chin Wrinkles

The older you get, the more volume you tend to lose in your face. This includes your chin area. When you lose important proteins in your skin like collagen and elastin, this also makes your skin more prone to wrinkling.
You may find lines on your chin as you age. These lines won’t just age your appearance—they may also distract people from your smile. You can get this dermal filler injected into the area to provide more volume, firm up your skin, and help showcase your beautiful smile.

You Have Jowls

One of the places where volume loss tends to be the most noticeable on your face is the cheek area. Your cheeks are naturally one of the plumpest and fullest areas of your face. So, when you get older and begin to lose volume, this becomes very noticeable.
As you lose this volume, your skin will start to sag. This is what causes jowls to form. You can use this dermal filler to help fill in the area. This will lift the skin and reduce the appearance of jowls, ensuring that you look and feel youthful.

You Have Hand Wrinkles

Your face isn’t the only part of your body that’s going to wrinkle as it gets older. All areas of your body experience this same loss in the chemicals that give your skin its volume and elasticity.
Because your hands move around so much throughout the day, they are extremely prone to wrinkling. One of the qualities that makes this dermal filler stand out is that it can be used on the hands, keeping the backs of your hands smooth, wrinkle-free, and looking young.

You Want Something Effective

When you’re looking for a solution to a cosmetic concern, a treatment’s efficacy is one of the most important things to consider. You want something that’s actually going to be worth your time and money, after all. Unfortunately, there are some treatment options out there that simply aren’t as effective as you may wish.
That’s not the case when you decide to get Radiesse injections. This filler will get exactly the results you’re looking for, helping your skin appear naturally younger and wrinkle-free. The CaHA microspheres will jumpstart your body’s collagen production, offering you long-lasting results.

You Want Something Safe

Along with efficacy, safety is the primary concern of many people who are looking to get a cosmetic treatment of any type. Not every treatment option is right for everyone, and some of them may even have some undesirable side effects that can have long-term consequences.
But this dermal filler isn’t one of them. It’s formulated to be extremely safe and was actually designed initially for people with HIV who lost volume because of the illness and needed a hypoallergenic filler to help them. This is an extremely low-risk treatment option and extremely safe for almost everyone.

You Want Results Quickly

It makes sense that you’d be looking for noticeable results as quickly as possible from your treatment. Some treatment options, however, can take a long time to show results. You may end up having to wait for weeks to see the full results of your treatment.
If you decide to get this dermal filler, you can expect to see the results you’re looking for extremely quickly. You may notice a difference in your appearance as soon as treatment is done. Over the next week or so, you will see the full results of your injections.

You Want Something Long-Lasting

Of course, no injectable filler can provide permanent results. Some dermal fillers do last longer than others, however. In some situations, like if you’re uncertain whether you’ll like the results, it might be beneficial for your treatment option not to last very long.
But if you know what you want and you want to make sure it lasts a long time, Radiesse is the perfect solution. As long as you follow your practitioner’s instructions during the recovery process, you can expect to enjoy your results for up to 2 years before needing additional injections.

You Want Natural-Looking Results

Most people don’t want unnatural-looking results from their cosmetic treatments. Having to deal with awkward and unwanted questions about why you look so different from friends and family probably isn’t the ideal way to spend your time. That’s exactly why you may be looking for a more natural-looking treatment option.
You’ll find exactly that with this dermal filler. The product will be carefully applied to your desired areas using only small amounts of it at a time. This ensures that you get subtle and natural-looking results that you’re sure to love and will allow you to avoid those uncomfortable questions.

You Want Easy Treatment

Some cosmetic treatment options have an easier process than others. With surgical procedures, you may find the process to be a long and uncomfortable one, especially when it comes to the recovery process. This might not be ideal for everyone who’s looking for treatment.
With an injectable like this one, the treatment process is extremely simple. Most appointments will take under an hour to complete. Your practitioner will simply need to clean the area where you’re getting treatment before applying the Radiesse injections to your desired areas using a fine and precise needle. After treatment is done, you’ll be able to leave the clinic.

You Want a Quick Recovery

If you decide to get something like a surgical treatment, you might need to arrange to be away from work for several weeks. The recovery itself can also be an uncomfortable and even painful process.
It’s not so for Restylane. Recovery after your treatment will be fast and easy, and you can leave the clinic as soon as treatment is complete. As long as you are careful about avoiding things like direct sunlight and excessive sweating over the next couple of days, your skin will heal quickly with little to no discomfort.

Make an Appointment Today

If you are thinking about getting Radiesse injections, it’s important to make sure you’re getting treatment from the right place. Our clinic is ready to help you get the results you’re dreaming of. Get in touch with us at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton, CA to book yours.