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Who Is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Everyone deserves to be comfortable and happy in their skin with no compromises. That’s why at Eric P. Bachelor M.D. F.A.C.S. East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton and Danville, CA, we offer the latest technology to help you meet your cosmetic goals. Our CoolSculpting treatment is one of our most popular, as it allows people to achieve exactly the body type they desire. At our practice, we are committed to helping you get the figure you want with the highest level of safety and care.

Our revolutionary treatment encompasses the convenience of modern-day non-invasive cosmetic treatments and the amazing benefits they offer. With no downtime and the ability to target specific problem areas, it’s no wonder this treatment is a favorite of our patients. We have seen firsthand how this treatment can transform a person’s confidence and self-esteem by providing them with the body they’ve always wanted. We feel rewarded when we improve the lives of our patients, and now it’s your turn.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a CoolSculpting Session?

The ideal candidate is an adult man or woman in relatively good health who is looking to enhance their appearance. The best candidate for this treatment is someone at or near their target weight who wants to eliminate fat on their abdomen, thighs, arms, or other concentrated target areas. Those who have been considering more invasive surgical procedures such as liposuction and don’t want to spend the downtime or money are also ideal for this treatment.

The best candidates can be any age over 18 who stay at or near the same weight without fluctuation. Those who are willing to maintain the results with healthy lifestyle changes will get the most out of our treatment. At your consultation with us, we’ll go over your health history and current health status to determine the specifics of your candidacy.

Who Is Not a Candidate?

It’s important to remember that this treatment is not a weight-loss solution. Those who are struggling with obesity or don’t intend on keeping their current weight will not achieve results similar to those in good health. This extends to pregnancy, as the inevitable weight gain could undo the treatment. It’s best to wait until the childbearing phase of your life is over before scheduling your appointment with us. Those who experience frequent weight fluctuations are not ideal for similar reasons.

Additionally, if you have any active infections or skin conditions in or around your target areas, we advise against scheduling a treatment session until the condition has fully healed. Those who have undergone recent surgery or have a history of hernias or other medical conditions should also consult with their doctor beforehand. The treatment uses cooling, so it is not recommended for those who can’t handle the cold very well or those who suffer from cryoglobulinemia.

What Is CoolSculpting?

This is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that targets and removes stubborn fat deposits from your body in concentrated areas. At our practice, we use a special device developed by Zeltiq to freeze the fat cells in your target areas using cryotherapy, causing them to crystallize and die off. Your body then naturally processes and eliminates these dead fat cells, resulting in a slimmer, more toned appearance. Perhaps the best thing about cryotherapy is that it doesn’t require any surgery or downtime.

The treatment was made for those who want to get rid of unwanted fat pockets in specific areas of their body that don’t respond to diet and/or exercise. Another plus of the treatment is how customizable it is. We understand that everyone’s body is different, which is why we offer customized sculpting treatments that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Treatment Benefits

We’ve already mentioned how simple, non-invasive, and customizable this treatment is, but it has many other benefits our patients can enjoy. Just a few of our patients’ favorite benefits include:

The Coolest Way To Get the Body You Want: FAQs

Is CoolSculpting the Same As Liposuction?

When it comes to body contouring, cryotherapy and liposuction are two of the most popular treatments. While both treatments can help you achieve a slimmer and more sculpted physique, cryotherapy is better suited for those who have smaller, more specific target areas that are resistant to lifestyle changes such as dieting and exercise. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a more fitting option for those who deal with excessive fat cells and have much larger or more generalized problem areas.

Cryotherapy is also a better option for those who lead busier lives and don’t have the time to take off work for the treatment. The non-invasive and short-session nature of our cryotherapy treatment means patients can go right back to their regularly scheduled daily activities without missing a beat. Those who choose the sculpting treatment can also enjoy the benefits of zero post-treatment discomfort or healing!

Where on My Body Can I Receive This Treatment?

Ours is a versatile treatment that can target various areas of the body where stubborn fat cells commonly tend to accumulate. The treatment is FDA-cleared to treat areas such as the upper arms, abdomen, flanks, thighs, and back, as well as the area beneath the buttocks. The treatment can also be used to reduce the appearance of bra fat and love handles. We see the majority of our patients for fixing the appearance of the submental and submandibular areas.

How Much Fat Can I Lose With This Treatment?

The amount of fat that a patient can lose with CoolSculpting depends on various factors such as the area being treated, the patient’s individual anatomy, and how responsive the patient’s body is to the treatment itself. Generally, our clients typically lose up to 20-25% of the fat in the treated area. This is a significant amount that can result in noticeable improvements in the shape and contour of the body.

Those who enjoy receiving repeat treatments typically find that their bodies become more responsive to the treatment session after they get a few extra appointments under their belt. Your body is unique, so a consultation with us will be required to be able to determine what percentage of fat cells you can expect to lose.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

You can schedule as many repeat sessions as you want as long as you still have fat cells to eliminate, that is. Because of your individual body chemistry, the number of necessary treatment sessions to reach your goals can vary. Most of our patients, however, usually require two to four treatments to achieve optimal results. It’s important to note that the results of each treatment session can take a few weeks to appear, so patience is key when undergoing cryotherapy.

How Often Can I Schedule Repeat Sessions?

We normally recommend that our clients wait a minimum of four weeks between each treatment session. This allows the body to fully eliminate the targeted fat cells through the lymphatic system and ensures the safety of the patient. Of course, scheduling is always flexible and can be adjusted to suit the patient’s needs and preferences. This is something we can go over in much more detail when you schedule your initial consultation with us.

How Soon Can I See My Results?

After your first treatment with us, you may be wondering how quickly you’ll see results. While each body is unique, most people can start seeing results in as little as three weeks after their first session. Over time, your body will continue to eliminate the fat cells that were treated during your appointment, and your appearance will continue to improve. The full results of your treatment can typically be seen in about two to three months after your last session.

It’s important to note that the speed of your results can depend on a variety of factors, including the area being treated, the amount of fat being targeted, and your individual body’s response to the treatment. Remember that the number-one factor in how quickly you’ll see your results is the speed at which your lymphatic system can eliminate and metabolize those fat cells. Be patient and let your body do its thing!

Sculpt Yourself Into a Work of Art

Contact us at Eric P. Bachelor M.D. F.A.C.S. East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton and Danville, CA to schedule a consultation. We understand that no amount of dieting and exercise can target stubborn fat in certain areas of the body, and that’s where our treatment comes in. The body you’ve always dreamed of having is within your grasp.