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What Is the Best Age for Getting a Face Lift?

If you want to improve your confidence and find that cosmetic injectables aren’t giving you the results you’re looking for, you may want to consider a face lift. Also known as a rhytidectomy, this versatile surgery can help improve many different facial concerns. At East Bay Aesthetic Surgery of Pleasanton and Danville, CA, we would be happy to walk you through the process and answer any additional questions during a consultation.

What Is the Best Age for Getting a Face Lift?

40 to 70 Years Old

A face lift can be a great tool for people of any gender, and patients are typically between the ages of 40 to 70. That said, it’s important to come in for a consultation so we can help you understand whether this treatment is a good fit for your needs.

It’s also important to note that some patients who are younger than 40 can still opt to seek out a rhytidectomy if they already are dealing with muscle and skin laxity. These patients may be suffering from premature aging, or may seek out surgery to get ahead of the curve and help their skin age gracefully.

Your Individualized Plan

When we have a chance to meet with you, we can evaluate your skin. Not everyone ages the same way, since there are so many factors that can affect how the skin behaves and when wrinkles start to arrive. These factors can be hereditary, environmental, or both.

Focusing on the condition of your skin rather than trying to wait for the “perfect age” for your treatment could end up being the right move. This can be especially true for patients who have already sought out other treatments like injectables and have found that they’re still not getting the lasting results they want.

What Benefits Can I Expect?


Our goal is to listen to your concerns and use our experience to offer personalized advice. We want each of our patients to be comfortable with their options and excited by their results. Your long-term goals, preferences, age, and skin condition may all affect the approach we recommend for you.


There are many helpful treatments out there, but there aren’t many treatments that can rival the results a rhytidectomy can offer. Injectables can be a great way to boost confidence, but a face lift is able to provide results that last for the long run.


This treatment can be a great way to help patients feel as though they can reclaim their face and their confidence all in one go. Boosting confidence may be one of the most popular benefits a rhytidectomy can offer.

Whether you simply want your face to better represent how you feel on the inside, or you want to feel more confident in professional settings or while dating, this treatment can help by encouraging your face to look more youthful and energetic.


Confidence and comfort can have an effect on each other. When you feel more confident, chances are this can help you feel more comfortable in your skin. Some patients may find themselves wanting to try new hairstyles to show off their face after surgery, or smiling more when they look in the mirror.

What Is It Used For?

Impressive Range

When the underlying structure of the skin is corrected, it can help with a variety of common concerns. Some of these concerns may include deep lines, creases, and wrinkles. This treatment can help lift up skin that is sagging, and can also help our patients look as young as they feel on the inside.

While some patients have specific areas of the face that they want to address, others find that they simply want a more youthful overall appearance. This surgery can be helpful in either case, but we encourage you to share your expectations and goals with us. We want to do everything in our power to help you get the results you want. Our experience and skill in this area will help guide us as we offer advice to our patients.

What Is the Treatment Process Like?

Your Consultation

Before we start planning your treatment, we will want to meet with you so we can examine your skin and talk through your expectations. During your consultation, we can look through your medical history, discuss any medications you’re taking, and talk through the different treatment approaches we offer.

Once we determine that you’re a good candidate, and if you decide you want to pursue treatment, we can help you pick the right approach based on your specific concerns and your skin condition. We will help you understand each step of the treatment process in further detail and can schedule your appointment with you.

Your Treatment

Depending on which approach is taken, your face lift will likely be somewhere between two to five hours long. We should be able to give you a more accurate timeline for your surgery when we have the chance to meet with you.

We will start by marking your face where the incisions will be made; these incisions are hidden along the hairline and around the ears. We will then expertly lift and tighten the deep tissues of your face to achieve a more youthful appearance. Extra skin can be removed, and internal sutures are placed before we guide your skin to the correct position.

Your Results

Some patients are concerned that a rhytidectomy may make them look artificial or give them a “shocked” expression. The approach we use puts an emphasis on natural-looking results. We are mindful not to make the facial skin too tight and to pay close attention to the natural contours of your face. Our years of experience give us confidence in providing results that help our patients look like they gracefully stepped back in time.

Are There Different Types of Face Lifts?

Four Options

We can carry out four different rhytidectomy approaches, which allows us great flexibility as we work with the needs of each patient. If multiple areas of the face need to be addressed at once, we may also combine several techniques.

Mid Lift

This approach pays specific attention to the middle of the face, which is the area between your nose and your eyebrows. Loose skin can be carefully removed from around the cheekbones and eyes, and the incisions will be hidden from view along your hairline.

Lower Lift

If you specifically want to target the area between your nose and jawline, a lift that focuses on the lower half of your face could be a good fit. This can be especially helpful for patients who are dealing with nasolabial folds or marionette lines, which are creases that can appear around the nose or mouth. It can also help redefine your jawline.

Brow Lift

Is your forehead the area you’re most concerned about? A brow lift can gently smooth out the area from your eyes up to the top of your hairline. With age, eyebrows tend to lower towards the eyes. We can gently guide them into a correct position while still maintaining a natural and pleasing expression. Forehead lines can be addressed, and extra skin will be removed.

Traditional Lift

If you want to combine all of the previous approaches into one, a traditional face lift could be the right choice. This lift can target significant wrinkles, creases, lines, and excess skin in multiple areas at the same time. It’s a comprehensive treatment that can help patients look years younger.

How Long Will I Enjoy My Results?

Permanent Benefits

While this treatment can’t stop the effects of time completely, it can still offer permanent benefits. For instance, imagine that you have a clone. Now imagine that you receive a rhytidectomy and your clone doesn’t. In the future, even with the effects of time and aging, your skin should always look younger and firmer than the version of you that never received treatment.

After treatment, we can offer advice on how to get the most of your results. Some things you can do on your own can include practicing a good skin care routine and protecting your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen. In general, anything that tends to be good for your skin should help you enjoy all the benefits a rhytidectomy has to offer for as long as possible.

We Can Help You Find the Right Fit

We offer a range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, with the goal of finding the right treatment or combination of treatments to get you the results you want. Contact us at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery of Pleasanton and Danville, CA, today to set up a consultation and get the information you need for your aesthetic journey.