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What Are the Benefits of Voluma?

If you’ve noticed a change to your appearance as you’ve aged, you may be looking for effective ways to get back your youthful appearance. At Eric P. Bachelor MD in Pleasanton, CA, our Juvederm Voluma treatment could be exactly what you’re looking for.

What Are the Benefits of Voluma?

Time can take a toll on your appearance. It’s normal to see significant changes to your face as you get older, including wrinkles and sagging of the skin. One of the reasons why you may be seeing these changes is that your face is losing volume.

This is a common and natural side effect of aging. But it’s usually not an entirely welcome one. Are you looking for a way to counteract the loss of volume you might be seeing in your cheek area? Voluma, which is a dermal filler that’s part of the Juvederm lineup, uses hyaluronic acid to help put the volume back into your cheeks. There are plenty of benefits you’ll find when you receive this treatment. The following are just a handful.

Fuller Cheeks

Your skin is made up of several chemicals. This includes the sugar hyaluronic acid as well as their proteins elastin and collagen. Together, these chemicals give your skin its fullness, structure, and elasticity. As you get older, the levels of these chemicals begin to diminish.

This causes a loss of volume, and one of the places where this loss is most noticeable is your cheeks. This dermal filler will put volume back into your cheeks, helping them to look much fuller. Doing this will also lift any sagging skin which will, in turn, reduce the appearance of jowls.

Natural-Looking Results

Many people avoid getting treatments like this one because they’re concerned the results won’t look natural. While it’s true that not going to a reputable clinic can result in an experience you regret, visiting one like ours with highly-trained technicians will provide you with effective and natural-looking results.

We’ll make sure that the results from your treatment are subtle while still offering you the more youthful appearance you’re looking for. You’ll love the way you look and you’ll also get to avoid awkward questions from those around you.

Safe Treatment

One thing you can trust when it comes to any Juvederm product is that your treatment will be safe. All products in this lineup are made with hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient. You can find this sugar naturally in your body already.

Juvederm products have been carefully formulated to be extremely safe. Juvederm has been FDA-approved since 2006, and most people who are in good general health can receive this treatment. That said, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid receiving this injectable.

Long-Lasting Results

Getting safe treatment that looks natural is important to anyone considering getting a dermal filler like this one. But another important part is getting results that are going to last you for a long time. While some people may be looking for dermal fillers that don’t last long to see if they like the way they look if you know what you want then this filler is perfect for you.

The exact length of time candidates might enjoy their results from this treatment depends on a case by case basis. However, most people get to enjoy their results from this filler for up to two years.

Fast Results

Getting something that’s going to last you a long time is important to many candidates, which is why all Juvederm products make great options. But one of the other great things about this particular filler is that you’ll see results quickly.

There are some fillers out there that can take weeks for full results to be apparent. If you go with this dermal filler, on the other hand, you’ll see almost immediate results. As soon as it’s injected, the product will fill out the area, smoothing out the skin on top. Over the next few days, your results will become even more obvious.

Non-Invasive Treatment

If you’re looking for ways to get a younger-looking appearance, then you’ve certainly got a lot of options. However, if you’re concerned about a super lengthy recovery time and lots of discomfort, then you’ll want to avoid surgical procedures.

Unlike these procedures, this treatment is considered non-invasive. This means that you don’t need to worry about a long and painful recovery time. Instead, you’ll just need to avoid a few things after your treatment is done to make sure your results are as effective as possible.

Fast Treatment

Getting something like a surgical procedure for your aging concerns means spending a lot of time under the knife. This might not be an ideal solution for you for that exact reason. If you don’t want to have to deal with a long surgical procedure plus the recovery time necessary, this dermal filler will be perfect for you.

When you come to our clinic, you can trust that not only will your treatment be safe. The entire treatment process will be fast too. Most treatments take less than an hour. The exact length of time of your treatment will depend on how many injections you need.

Supports Collagen

As we mentioned earlier, collagen is an important chemical in your skin. It helps provide your skin with elasticity and firmness. Your skin will have higher levels of collagen when you’re young. But when you get older, the levels of collagen in your skin will get lower.

One of the benefits of hyaluronic acid is that it stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen. So not only will the hyaluronic acid provide more fullness to your face where it’s been injected, but it will also help your skin maintain its firmness and structure by producing more collagen.

What Is Getting Treatment Like?

If you’re thinking that this dermal filler might be the right solution for your aging concerns, you’re probably wondering what the treatment process actually looks like. At our clinic, we’ll offer you a clean and safe environment where you’ll get your injections.

Here’s a look at what you can expect from your treatment process.


Every candidate starts the process with a consultation. This is a good opportunity for us to discuss what your specific concerns are. By doing this, we’ll be able to determine if this is the right and safest option for you.

We’ll also be able to determine if you might need any other types of Juvederm to get the results you want. Your consultation will help you set your expectations and give you the chance to bring up any questions or concerns that you might have.


Before you can get your treatment, there are a few things you’ll need to do to prepare. We’ll give you a full list of instructions before your appointment. If you want your treatment to be as safe and effective as possible, it’s really important that you follow our instructions.

Don’t worry, they are simple and easy to follow. You’ll just need to avoid a few things before your appointment comes. Don’t take any medications or supplements that could cause your blood to thin. This will help to prevent bruising. You’ll also need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking for the few days leading up to your appointment.

Your Appointment

When you arrive at our clinic, we’ll do everything we can to help you feel comfortable and welcome. Before we begin with your injections, we’ll have to prepare your skin. To do this, we’ll start by thoroughly cleaning the areas where you’ll be receiving your injections. That ensures that no dirt or bacteria can enter your skin along with the product.

Before injecting the product, we might also apply a small amount of topical numbing cream to help your treatment stay as comfortable as possible. Once your skin is ready, we’ll begin applying the product. Our technicians will use multiple strategic injections in your desired areas.

After Treatment

Once your treatment is done, you’ll be able to get back to your daily activities. Just make sure you avoid direct sunlight and anything that could make you sweat excessively for the next day or two.

Book Your Appointment with Us

Juvederm Voluma is a great way to help your cheeks look fuller, and offer you the youthful appearance you’ve been missing. If you’re ready to feel confident in your appearance again, get in touch with the team at Eric P. Bachelor MD in Pleasanton, CA