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Is a Butt Lift Permanent?

At East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton, CA, Dr. Eric P. Bachelor M.D. F.A.C.S. often has people come in with questions about the longevity of cosmetic surgery results. Preparing for and recovering from surgery requires a bit of time, and people want to ensure that their time commitment will be worth it. If you’re on the fence about whether a butt lift (BBL) is right for you, read on to discover how long the results last and how you can maintain them.

Is a Butt Lift Permanent? 

Like other cosmetic procedures, you can expect the results of a butt lift to last for several years. It is even possible for the results of this procedure to last for decades. However, you should understand that the longevity of your results will be affected by your diet and lifestyle choices after surgery.

The results from the liposuction portion of this procedure are generally considered permanent because your body can’t grow new fat cells in the donor areas. That said, the remaining fat cells in the donor areas have the potential to expand after surgery. You may be able to enjoy permanent butt augmentation results if you can maintain your weight after surgery, but your skin may sag eventually due to the natural effects of the aging process.

What Can I Do To Extend the Longevity of My Results? 

Maintain Your Weight

To ensure that you enjoy satisfactory results for as long as possible, it is very important that you maintain your weight after surgery. This procedure works by using liposuction to remove fat from donor areas and transplanting some of the whole, healthy fat cells into strategic points in your buttocks. To reiterate, lipo only removes some of the fat cells from the donor areas, so your donor contours may expand if you overeat after surgery.

It is very important to not gain more than roughly 10 pounds of surgery to maintain the improvements in your donor areas. It is equally important that you do not lose too much weight after your procedure to ensure you don’t lose too much volume in your buttocks.

Take Good Care of Your Skin

It is also very important that you take excellent care of your skin if you want to enjoy your butt lift results for as long as possible. Not losing too much weight after surgery can go a long way in helping to keep your buttocks skin tight and smooth. However, the natural aging process inevitably results in a significant amount of collagen loss in your skin. Even your buttocks skin can be affected.

One of the most effective steps you can take to maintain the health of your collagen is to moisturize your skin at least once daily. The number of times per day you should moisturize depends on your skin type. Another highly effective step you can take to keep your skin tight as you age is to meet your recommended daily allowance of micronutrients and limit your consumption of foods and beverages that can harm your collagen.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure? 

You need to come in for a consultation with Dr. Bachelor to verify that this procedure will be effective and safe for you. If you are relatively healthy and not a smoker, there is an excellent chance that this procedure will be safe for you. However, it is necessary to verify that there are no contraindications and you can follow all guidelines before we can say that this procedure will be safe for you. Common contraindications include: 

There are several factors that must be considered when determining if this procedure will be effective for you. For instance, we need to assess the elasticity of your skin. Furthermore, we need to ensure that you have enough excess subcutaneous fat to be harvested with liposuction and grafted onto your buttocks.  

What Areas Can Qualify As Donor Areas? 

Liposuction can be used to remove fat from any area with a moderate amount of excess subcutaneous adipose tissue deposits, including the: 

How Should I Care for My Buttocks After Surgery? 

Protect Your Buttocks

In order to enjoy satisfactory results after your procedure, it is of the utmost importance that you protect your buttocks. During the first several weeks post-op, you should avoid applying pressure to your buttocks directly. Instead, when you need to sit down, you should sit on a BBL pillow or special cushion designed to distribute your weight to your thighs. This helps to ensure that the transplanted fat does not suffocate and die.

Wear Your Compression Garments As Instructed

It is also crucial that you wear your compression garment during the first six weeks post-op to help promote rapid healing. Additionally, wearing your compression garment all day and night helps you enjoy your final results faster. It promotes better blood flow which helps your skin adjust to your new contours. Additionally, it helps the transplanted fat cells take hold.

What Other Procedures Can Help Me Improve My Appearance? 

Often, a BBL is performed along with several other cosmetic procedures to address many concerns efficiently and effectively. If you have given birth and feel like there is nothing you can do to get your prenatal body back, you may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover. Here are some of the most popular mommy makeover procedures that can complement your butt lift.

Breast Lift

You will most likely be considered a good candidate for a breast lift if pregnancy, breastfeeding, significant weight loss, or the natural aging process has caused your breasts to sag. You also may be able to benefit from this procedure if you feel like your breasts look flat. If you’re not quite sure if you could benefit from a breast lift, try performing the pencil test in the mirror.

If you place a pencil horizontally under your inframammary fold, relax your shoulders, and let your arms rest at your sides, the pencil should fall. If the pencil is held by your breasts, then you have a significant grade of ptosis and will most likely benefit from having your breasts lifted.

Breast Augmentation

Most women who are relatively healthy and dissatisfied with their breast volume will be considered good breast augmentation candidates. However, it is also important that you have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure to qualify for surgery. This procedure can improve the symmetry of the breasts, and a significant amount of volume can be added. Nonetheless, there is a limit to the volume increase that can occur.

During your initial consultation, we will discuss your concerns and goals to tailor an optimal treatment plan for you. We proudly offer saline and silicone implants as well as IDEAL IMPLANTS. If you are a good breast augmentation candidate, we will advise you on everything you need to know about each implant type so you can achieve your desired contours. We will also advise you on what profile and placement options work with your frame and lifestyle.

Tummy Tuck

Do you have a significant amount of excess abdominal skin? Do you have loose skin or abdominal muscles damaged during pregnancy or childbirth? Do you suffer from lower back pain or stress urinary incontinence? If so, a tummy tuck may be an excellent complement to your BBL. This procedure is customizable, and it can be used to address several cosmetic and medical concerns.

For example, you can get a mini tummy tuck if you are only concerned about the appearance of your abdomen beneath your navel. If you have concerns related to your abdominal muscles, like a ventral hernia, you may be considered an excellent candidate for a full tummy tuck. Besides improving muscle-related problems, a full tummy tuck can eliminate your excess upper and lower abdominal skin and tighten your loose upper and lower abdominal skin.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You should expect the results of your BBL to last for years, and your youthful, beautifully-proportioned contours may remain for decades depending on your lifestyle. However, you may experience skin sagging as you age, necessitating a follow-up procedure. If you think this procedure sounds like a good fit for you, contact us now at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton, CA, and Danville, CA to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Eric P. Bachelor M.D. F.A.C.S.