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How Often Can You Get BOTOX®️?

BOTOX®️ is a great way to look and feel younger and more vibrant, and at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Danville and Pleasanton, CA, we can help you get there. Led by experienced plastic surgeon Eric P. Bachelor, M.D. F.A.C.S., our team has helped plenty of people just like you get the youthful glow they crave.

How Often Can You Get BOTOX®️?

Since everyone is different, results certainly vary, but most people enjoy their results for between three and four months. Our team is happy to give you a consultation on what you can realistically expect and design a treatment regimen that fits your goals and lifestyle.

About This Treatment

One of the critical things that people love about this treatment is the fact that it’s utterly non-invasive. Most people enjoy stunning, long-lasting results with virtually no downtime. Plus, you can use BOTOX®️ to address several different areas on your face. It’s highly effective at tackling crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead wrinkles.

This treatment works by stopping your muscles from contracting, making wrinkles and fine lines far less noticeable, and even stopping new ones. In this way, it’s both an excellent remedy for existing wrinkles and one that you can take as a preventative step to preserve your smooth skin for longer.  

What To Expect on Your Treatment Day

Since this treatment is non-invasive and there’s no necessary recovery time, most people enjoy a quick and easy office visit and are in and out within about 30 minutes. You can fit it in on your lunch break, in-between appointments, or first thing in the morning and then just go about your day as usual.

Our team will happily consult you on what you can personally expect from your treatment and how much time to allocate. Even if you’re getting BOTOX®️ in several areas of your face, it should be quick, painless, and easy.


Although you might experience some benefits unique to you and your situation, there are a few nearly universal reasons why people opt for this treatment.

Quick Results

Many people start to see the results of this treatment after about ten days, although you might see them sooner. After the results show up, you’ll be able to enjoy your smooth, line-free skin for several months.


There’s no cookie-cutter solution with this treatment. Instead, everything is fully customizable to fit your needs and lifestyle. This gives you control and agency over your treatment and allows you to maximize it for the best possible outcome.


This treatment is FDA-approved and completely safe. Our team will be working with a tried, tested, and approved treatment that has a proven track record of giving people the results they’re looking for.

Natural Results

This treatment can help you look like the best version of yourself. The results are smooth and natural, so you’ll simply look like you’re just refreshed, younger, and more glowing than you were before you stepped into our office.

Use It Anywhere

Since BOTOX®️ is a versatile treatment, you can use it in many different areas of your face, including forehead wrinkles, smile lines, and on your neck. It’s great at minimizing the look of crow’s feet and can help to make your smile more radiant and not gummy.

Excellent Candidates

Both men and women can get this treatment, and since it’s FDA-approved and good for preventative care and existing wrinkles, virtually anyone is a great candidate. If you want near-immediate, long-lasting results without having to get a facelift or other types of treatments, it’s for you.

Complementary Treatments

Our team offers many complementary treatments that can work in conjunction with BOTOX®️. We will review all of your options in your initial consultation to put together the most powerful and effective plan for you. Our team specializes in fillers, which can work hand-in-hand with this treatment to seriously roll back the years on your face and give you plumper, dewy, line-free skin.

Dermal fillers are non-invasive, and you won’t need to undergo any downtime; plus, most people start to see great results immediately. Like BOTOX®️, these fillers last for several months in most people. Our team offers several different types of fillers, so talk to us about your customized beauty package to see what’s suitable for your needs.

Touch Ups

Although most people certainly enjoy the treatment results for several months, it’s a good idea to schedule regular touch-ups to look and feel your best. We can help you put together a treatment calendar that fits into your schedule and budget and suits your needs.

Talk to us in your initial consultation, and we’ll review all of your options, plus talk to you about complementary treatments that can make your skin look utterly fantastic.

Ways To Preserve Your Treatment

Although this treatment is specifically designed to last several months, there are certain things that you can do to help maximize the effects and enjoy your results for as long as possible. Happily, many of these things are intelligent skin-care steps anyway, so they are good to incorporate into your daily routine regardless of whether or not you get these sorts of treatments.

Use Sunscreen

Sunlight might feel amazing on your skin, but it can also disrupt the collagen and cause wrinkles. Take care to protect yourself by using an intense SPF before stepping out into the rays. You can also wear high-quality sunglasses to shield the sensitive skin right around your eyes. A sunhat is a good idea, too.


Stress can cause inflammation in the form of cortisol, which might interfere with your BOTOX®️. Also, people who are very high-stress might frown more, leading to newly formed wrinkles. Instead, try to limit your stress by incorporating lots of good, healthy self-care into your daily routine.

Give yourself rewards, like spa days or soothing walks after a long week at work. You can also schedule a rest day where you can watch your favorite television show or have a long call with a friend. Meditation is also beneficial in eliminating stress in a healthy and positive fashion.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is not good for your health in general, but it can really do a number on your skin. Smoking can decrease the collagen in your skin and create more wrinkles, and the act of smoking can also develop wrinkles around your mouth and eyes over time. Quitting smoking is a smart strategy, so if you’ve been thinking about quitting entirely or cutting back, use your treatment appointment as an excuse to do so.


Hydrated skin is happy skin. You can hydrate from the inside out by drinking the recommended amount of water per day and limiting your caffeine and alcohol consumption. You can also use a collagen-rich moisturizer topically. We’re happy to talk to you about your skin care regimen and give you any tips or suggestions on improving your routine.


We are what we eat, and a diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables can keep your skin looking its best in addition to your treatment. Try to work in at least a few servings of each per day. If you’re having trouble meeting your goals, why not blend up some greens and fruits into a healthy smoothie in the morning, or sneak a little bit of cauliflower into your pasta at night?

Alternate Your Fitness Routine

A combination of high-impact and low-impact workout routines is good for your system and might be able to help you keep your results for longer. Also, exercise is a great way to cut back on stress and help balance your mind and body. Soothing exercises, like yin yoga, are great for those who don’t want a strenuous workout but really could use some deep stretching and meditation.

Since every case is unique, talk to us about your objectives, and we will happily provide you with our recommendations for long-lasting, effective treatment. With this roadmap to success, you’ll enjoy your results for as long as possible.

The Easy, Painless, Fountain of Youth

Dr. Eric P. Bachelor, M.D. F.A.C.S. and our team can help you discover the fountain of youth through BOTOX®️. This painless, quick, easy treatment has tons of devotees all over the world, and it’s not hard to understand why. If you’re looking for truly transformative results, call East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton or Danville, CA, at 925-281-2280 for a comprehensive, pressure-free consultation on your options.