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How Long Is Recovery After Breast Surgery?

Welcome to East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Danville/Pleasanton, CA, your premier destination for exceptional breast surgery services. At our practice, we specialize in a comprehensive range of breast-focused surgical procedures designed to enhance and transform your breasts according to your unique desires. With our expertise and personalized approach, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve the beautiful and confident look you’ve always dreamed of.

Whether you’re considering breast augmentation to enhance your curves, breast implant revision to address previous concerns, a breast lift to restore youthful perkiness, breast reconstruction to rebuild and restore after a mastectomy, breast reduction to alleviate discomfort, or IDEAL IMPLANT for a natural and harmonious result, we’ve got you covered. Our entire team is committed to delivering outstanding results that exceed the expectations of all of our clients, yourself included.

How Long Will My Recovery From Breast Surgery Be?

For breast augmentation surgery, you’ll be advised to rest for one to two days, take off work for five to seven days and avoid intense physical activities for four to six weeks. If you’re getting breast implant revisions done, bandages will be removed after one or two days, regular activities can be resumed in seven to ten days, and a supportive bra should be worn for two weeks. A breast lift will take several months to see the full benefits.

For reconstructions, a supportive bra should be worn for a few weeks and strenuous activity can resume after one month. For reductions, bandages can be removed after two days, swelling will subside within two weeks, and rigorous activity can resume after six weeks. For implant procedures, you’ll be able to return to work in a week and your normal gym activity levels can resume after about three weeks. The results of the implants will be fully visible in three months.

Breast Augmentation: Enhance With Implants

This procedure involves enhancing the size and shape of your breasts through the placement of carefully chosen implants. We begin by making a discreet incision, usually in the crease beneath the breast, armpit, or around the areola. We then create a pocket within the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle to accommodate the implants. After carefully inserting the implants into their designated pockets, we close the incisions using advanced techniques to ensure optimal healing and minimal scarring.

The result of undergoing this surgery with us is a beautifully enhanced bustline that appears natural and harmonious with your overall body proportions.

IDEAL Breast Implants

We’re proud to offer these unique, state-of-the-art implants. They contain no silicone, and their unique construction allows for more customization and controlled surgical positioning than ever before. Where most practices typically offer implants with silicone gels or saline, IDEAL implants offer our patients the benefits of both types of implants without the harmful risks of silicone.

IDEAL implants also have a layered construction with a nested outer shell to prevent rippling. The two separate chambers the implants have for saline allow the implants to retain their shape far better over the years so that you can enjoy the benefits of your implants for years to come. 

Breast Plant Revision: Repair, Restore, Rejuvenate

During breast implant revision surgery, we begin by carefully assessing your unique needs and goals. We’ll discuss your concerns and preferences, allowing us to create a personalized plan tailored to achieve the desired outcome. Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident and satisfied with the appearance of your breasts. The surgical procedure itself involves making precise incisions to access the previous implant pocket. This allows us to remove or replace the existing implants and make any necessary adjustments.

We take great care in maintaining the integrity of your breast tissue while achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. In some cases, additional breast surgery procedures such as a breast lift may be recommended to optimize the results and achieve the desired shape and contour.

Reasons for Receiving 

If you have previously undergone an augmentation, and you’re looking for a repair or a touch-up, this option was made for you. Whether you desire a different implant size, improved symmetry, or to correct any other complications that may have arisen, we have the expertise to fix the problem.

At our practice, we’ve helped many women change or update their implants, repair ruptures or deflations, and readjust the positioning of implants. We’ve also helped countless individuals get their confidence back by resolving the appearance of excessive scarring or other post-operational complications.

Breast Lift: Reverse Aging

Also known as mastopexy, many women undergo this breast surgery to achieve more youthful and uplifted contours. If you’re concerned about sagging or drooping breasts, this surgery was made to give you firm, round results. During a breast lift procedure, we employ advanced surgical techniques to reshape and elevate the breasts. Careful incisions are made, either vertically around the areola or horizontally along the breast crease, then we lift and reshape the tissue into the patient’s desired shape.

In some cases, the nipple and areola may also be repositioned to a higher position on the breast mound for a more aesthetically pleasing result. The incisions are then meticulously closed, and the skin is secured in its new position.

Treatment Benefits

This is a great option to consider if you want fuller, younger-looking breasts. It’s also ideal for those who wish to reposition their nipple or areola, and those who feel that their breasts are asymmetrical. We also highly recommend this to patients who express disdain over lower breasts that have drooping tear-drop appearances.

Breast Reconstruction: Get Back to the Old You

Reconstructive breast surgery aims to restore the shape, symmetry, and natural appearance of the breasts, giving you confidence and a sense of wholeness. This is a popular treatment option for women seeking to gain back what was once lost by conditions such as breast cancer. These conditions can leave women with asymmetrical breasts or uneven tissue, In some cases, the patient can lose the infected breast to the condition. Reconstructive surgery offers hope to those wishing to return to normalcy.

The Types of Reconstruction Procedures


If you want to enhance your breasts and you also have areas with bothersome excess fat pockets you’d like to get rid of, you’re in luck. Autologous tissue reconstruction, also known as flap-base reconstruction, uses the patient’s own tissue to reconstruct the breast. The tissue is most commonly taken from the buttocks, abdomen, or back. This technique provides a more natural look and feel. It’s often preferred by individuals seeking a more comprehensive and long-lasting result.


Implant-based reconstruction involves using silicone or saline implants to recreate the breast mound. This technique is suitable for individuals who desire a shorter recovery period and prefer not to undergo additional surgeries for tissue transfer.

Breast Reduction Surgery: Shrink Your Worries and Pains Away

Also known as reduction mammoplasty, this surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more desirable breast size and shape. Specific incisions are made around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease. The excess tissue is removed until the breasts are at the patient’s desired size, then the remaining tissue is reshaped to achieve a more proportionate appearance. We typically use a combination of liposuction and surgical excision to get results.

If necessary, we will also reposition the areola and nipple to ensure your results look natural. After the excess tissue has been removed and the breast has been reshaped, the incisions are carefully closed with sutures, and a supportive surgical bra or dressing is applied to aid in healing and reduce swelling. 

Treatment Benefits

Breast reduction surgery can offer the patient relief from physical discomfort such as back, neck, and shoulder pain. It also holds the potential to improve posture, increase the ease of physical activities, and make bra and clothing shopping much less complicated. Some women experience irritation that occurs on the skin underneath the breast tissue, and reductions can also help relieve these symptoms.

Women who are self-conscious about the appearance of disproportionately large breasts are the ideal candidates for this procedure. Since this is another type of cosmetic procedure, undergoing a reduction treatment with us means you’ll come away with better proportions and symmetry as well as relief from your ailments.

Let Your Beauty Blossom With a Breast Procedure Today

Discover the possibilities and experience the transformative power of breast surgery with us. With our calming, stress-free atmosphere, you can openly discuss your goals, concerns, and aspirations. We believe in providing education and guidance every step of the way, ensuring you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your surgical journey. Give us a call or visit us in person here at East Bay Aesthetic Surgery in Pleasanton/Danville, CA today.